
Posts Tagged ‘Black Friday’

Day 21 0f Daily Footprint Project. Yesterday, I wrote an article on, ‘Thanksgiving, a Time to Shop or to Lighten Our Environmental Footprint‘, where I emphatically pronounced my disgust for all shopping conducted under the guise of Black Friday. I held my promise. Did not buy a thing. For myself. Catherine asked if I could give her some money. This was the day when all her friends would be at the mall. She ‘needed’ a new pair of jeans, she had only one pair left that really fit her. She also wanted a rain jacket, and the latest Ugg boots. Heavy duty shopping here. My daughter’s got expensive tastes. I did not want to do her the disservice of overindulging her, but then, I also want to do right by her. After all, she did need a rain jacket, and new boots. And the expensive pair of jeans, she promised she would pay me back with her next paycheck. I did go with her, however, to manage the expected significant cash outflow.

It’s Black Friday And I Am Just a Green Girl Wannabe

Our first stop was J. Crew. They had the perfect jacket. Made in China, great fit. The line to pay, stretched all the way to the back wall. To appease the weary customers, a girl was going around, passing out mini plastic bottles of water. I was thirsty. Still, I declined her offer. I was buying a jacket ‘Made in China’. The least I could do, was to show a bit of fortitude and save one more plastic bottle from joining the Synthetic Sea.

Next was Nieman Marcus, for the jeans. The ones Catherine picked, surprised me with a Made in U.S. label. That meant less miles to transport the prized item, and less carbon back into the air. I am sure it is not so simple, but I will take anything to assuage my guilt.

Last stop, Nordstrom, the fashion temple for designer shoes. The sales racks were overflowing with boots, winter shoes, evening slippers, most of it on the floor. It was towards the end of the day, and hordes of shopping crazy women of all ages had gone through the merchandise. ‘Mommy, are you taking in the scene?‘ Catherine knew what I was thinking. The sight of all these women running around, and grabbing shoes at random, trying them on quick, and then moving on to the next pair, was almost surreal. We had reached the Uggs counter. Uggs are known as much for their Made in Australia cachet label, as for their ultimate comfort. Catherine could not decide. Between grey, black or brown. ‘The black ones, take them, black goes with everything.‘ She checked in the mirror, and decided to go along with my suggestion.

She wanted to stay around at the mall. Had been texting her friends. They wanted to compare their purchases. I drove home, with the receipts tucked into my wallet.

Daily Footprint Project
Daily Log
Day #21


flush toilet 2
wash face 2
brush teeth 2
wash hands 4
shower 1
rinse dishes
wash strawberries
wash vegetables


electric toothbrush 2
microwave tea 2’
microwave oatmeal 4’
laptop on all day
cook soup 1 hour


organic milk
organic strawberries
organic oatmeal
organic persimmon
organic turkey vegetable soup
leftover home baked bread
Italian cheese
leftover green salad


toilet paper
3 newspaper plastic wrappers
squash tart from Thanksgiving dinner (not a big hit!)
one old sweet potato
vegetable peels from soup
leftover mashed potatoes from Thanksgiving dinner


2 papers
junk mail
strawberries plastic baskets and paper carton


drive to mall 4 miles
drive to renters’ house 5 miles

Non food shopping

one jacket made in China
pair of boots made in Australia
jeans made in US

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